Death of a salesman characters
Death of a salesman characters

death of a salesman characters

Willy had also rigged up a hose to the gas line in the house, which Linda thought he might use to kill himself. They had a witness who saw Willy deliberately drive into the rail of a bridge. Linda had been informed by the police as to the true nature of the accidents.

Death of a salesman characters series#

Willy had been having trouble driving, which had led to a series of accidents. He was trying to cling to these times to get him though the reality of the present. These were the good times for Willy the promise of a bright future for himself and his son. He was also often thrown back to earlier times, when his boys were teenagers and Biff was the sports star at his high school. He often talked to his brother Ben, who had passed away, he asked him for advice and approval. Willy had started to have hallucinations and was talking out loud to people who were not there.

death of a salesman characters death of a salesman characters

Biff and his brother, Happy, saw the deterioration of their father first hand, because they were staying at their parents' house for a while. He had never lived up to Willy's expectations of him and the two argued whenever they were together. His son Biff came home, after working in the American West as a farmhand. He was forced by these circumstances to borrow money from his friend and neighbor, Charley, to pay his bills. He once was a top salesman, at least that was how he remembered it, but his sales dropped dramatically and he was demoted from being a salaried employee to a commission employee. He was a traveling salesman whose territory was the New England states, because he lived in New York City, he had to travel great distances to meet with his clients. Willy Loman was a sixty-three year old man who was having trouble coping with the stresses of his life.

Death of a salesman characters